Some Basic Information About The Vegan Lifestyle

Admit it, we’ve all heard about being a vegetarian before. But in recent years, there’s a new diet trend that caught the attention of many people, including celebrities. And this form of healthy eating is called “veganism”.

Well the truth is, being a vegan is not just about following a type of diet because it’s more of a way a way of life. And it’s not that new either because the first modern-day vegans already existed in 1944. It just happened that they were not labeled as vegans yet for they are formerly known as ‘non-dairy vegetarians’.

But what does it take to be a vegan? Are you interested to know more? Stick around as we’ll tackle some basic information about the vegan lifestyle in today’s blog post.

What Is Veganism Anyway?

Veganism is defined as a lifestyle that strives to refrain from the consumption animal products and avoid using (or wearing) items made from animals. To be specific, vegans abstain from eating animal-derived foodstuffs like different kinds of meat, eggs, milk, and dairy. Aside from that, vegans also boycott clothes, apparel, and other products that include animal exploitation like leather and fur.

What Are The Top Reasons Why People Go Vegan?

According to research, the most popular reasons why people choose to be vegan because of the following:

1. They want to improve their health – A lot of people switched to veganism because it lowers cholesterol, normalize blood pressure, and reduces the possibility of developing diabetes and certain cancers. This fact is based on several recent studies about the benefits of a plant-based diet.

2. They want to save the lives of animals – The food industry often slaughter animals, even abusing them to some extent, all in the name of profit. And in some cases animals are confined inside factory farms before they’re being processed. Roughly, there are 150 million animals killed in these farms every day. And you’re protecting animals just by going vegan.

3. They want to save mother earth – Veganism actually helps the environment as it prevents pollution, deforestation, water shortages, and greenhouse gas emissions caused by factory farming. So going vegan not only helps you to be healthy but it also promotes a more sustainable way of living that can benefit other living things on this planet.

Plant-Based Diet Increases Metabolism And A Good Source Of Protein

On average, vegans burn calories 16% faster compared to meat-eaters. And this is based on several studies about the effects of a vegan diet on the body’s metabolism.

On the other hand, plant-based food can also suffice your body’s protein needs without eating meat, for there are so many healthy and affordable protein options like beans, lentils, chickpeas, tempeh, tofu, seitan, soya chunks, etc.

Vegan Diet Can Be A Way To Solve World Hunger

And lastly, practicing veganism could actually feed 4 billion more humans if the crops we grew are meant as food for human consumption rather than used as crops for farmed animals. And the good thing is the food source is sustainable. So there’s a good chance that the projected number of humans to be fed will increase further in the future.

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