Things We Usually Get Wrong About Vegan Living

People, when first learning about veganism, often gets so excited that they begin to explore all the new foods and recipes that they can prepare. But all of a sudden they get discouraged because of the bad things they hear, which is actually isn’t true, just for the record.

The fact of the matter is, some people mistook what vegan diet is all about that they tend to exaggerate myths into outrageous proportions. So if you don’t want to be misinformed, then we suggest you continue reading as we’re going to talk about some of the things we usually get wrong about vegan living and straighten out all this information before you try it yourself.

1. Being Vegan Is Similar To Being A Vegetarian

This is probably one of the most common mistakes that people believe since both diets are focused mainly on consuming plant-based products minus the beef, chicken, or pork. But even though vegetarians don’t eat meat, they still drink milk and eat eggs and dairy foods – which are actually the foods that vegans completely abstain from.

The thing is, vegans only consume anything that grows from the earth. And that’s what sets them apart from vegetarians.

2. Vegan Diet Can Lead To Malnutrition

On the contrary, eating plant-based foods provide the necessary nutrients your body needs. In fact, having a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables can help boost your immune system, promote healthier skin, have more endurance, and better heart function.

3. Honey Is Vegan

Makes sense right considering that honey came from flowers? But that’s not entirely true. Honey is actually a by-product of bees, which means it came from their bodies. And it is meant to be their food for the winter season. And harvesting honey from their beehives can kill bees.

The industrialization of honey for human consumption can decrease the bee population and cause these insects to stop pollinating. And as a result, it affects the natural growth of plants and the ecosystem in general, which contradicts the advocacy of vegans as they want to save animals and our planet.

4. Soy Milk, Beans, And Tofu Are The Only Source Of Protein For Vegans

This is also a misconception since there are other types of plant-based milk like almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, hemp milk, and hazelnut milk which can serve as substitutes for cow and goat’s milk.

On the other hand, vegans often eat beans and tofu for protein. But they can also get their protein nutrients from plant-based nourishment like lentils, chickpeas, tempeh, seitan, etc.

5. Veganism Is Simply A Eating Habit

Finally, most people often assume that veganism is just a form of diet, but the truth is it’s more than just healthy eating.

Although veganism is commonly associated with healthy foods it is also a lifestyle, particularly in denouncing anything that leads to animal cruelty and damages to the environment. For instance, vegans abstain from using animal products like leather and fur and anything that involves testing on animals.

Also, they avoid littering anywhere and use biodegradable products as much as possible.

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